Sunday, October 11, 2009

While Dad's Away...

The last weekend in September, Weston went to Denver for his last weekend trip for his last class. Since getting to 4 Saturday soccer games at 2 different fields and coaching 1 is daunting enough, Friday night I sent the kids to bed dressed in their uniforms and ready to go. However, 'go to sleep' somehow translated 'cut cardboard with Mom's xacto knife' to Sam and he did this:

Thanks to my nurse friend who came over to lend some advice, she reminded me that our after-hours group at my pediatrician's office was open until 10pm and it was not quite 9:30pm. She stayed with my kids while I took Sam around the block to the clinic where they nicely cleaned it out and we videod it for Dad:
(supposedly not a word- but needs to be Frindled- you know we all say it)

Then they glued it (since numbing it would take around 6 injections). Can I get a couple of these for my 72 hour kits?

Well, one splint later (since it was right over the knuckle), we were home, the whole trip taking around 30 minutes. (Thank goodness this didn't happen after 10pm - the ER would have taken just a little longer). :)
Needless to say, there was one less soccer game to stick around for the next day and I was very glad to have the Physical Therapist back home by the end of the weekend!


yane said...

Is it just me, or do my pics make it look like just a little cut? Click on the pictures- it's a nice slice.

Unknown said...

ouch! what a trooper!

Raspberry said...

Oh, Sam...sorry you had to deal with 5 kids for a weekend - not fun!