Tuesday, June 9, 2009

8 Weeks of Adam

Look at how fast our little guy has changed...
Day 1 ~ April 14th
At the hospital- obviously pleased to be here

Day 3 ~ April 17th
Visit from Great Grandparents, Nannie & Gramps

Week 1 ~ April 22nd
Cuddles with Cousin Carly

Week 2 ~ April 26th
First official bath

Week 3 ~ May 5th
After bath with the duckie towel

Week 4 ~ May 10th
The Turtle Thalman Team onesie from Grandma

Week 4 1/2 ~ May 13th
Wednesday morning studying with Dad

Week 5 1/2 ~ May 22nd
Getting to know Grandma

Week 6 ~ May 24th
Sporting the Sunday clothes

Week 7 ~ June 1st
Talkin' with Mom

Week 8 ~ June 9th
Smiley and Cute!

Wiggly and Gabbery!
I'm 8 weeks old!


rachel said...

He looks SO much like the rest of your kids. He especially looks like Lena in the last few. He has so much hair! Cute boy!

Raspberry said...

I love all of his expressions - they are just so darling! And look at all that hair!!

The Youngs said...

I love that pic of him with your mom, too cute!

The Kohler Family said...

He is so stinkin cute!

The Sorensen Bunch said...

He looks so different to me then all the other Lindsay babies...yet, he has a family resemblence too. I too L-O-V-E his hair-do, long lashes and dimple--oooh he is a pretty baby to look at!!!! So how is with 5?