Sunday, May 17, 2009

School Activities Wrapping Up...


Lena wanted to do a science fair project on fossils and we found a fun idea making fossils of a shell with plaster paris in different kinds of dirt. She does a great job of her interviews for science fair and feels very comfortable. She won first place again this year, this time in 3rd & 4th grades and went on to district.

Lena and her second place ribbon at district.

Nathan loves science and plays with it daily. After doing an inventor report of Einstein earlier this school year, he became very interested in gravity and Newton, and acceleration. Matching those interests with his marble play, made for a great science fair project idea.

Nathan also has a new love for comics and has read every Calvin & Hobbes, Garfield, and Bone he can get his hands on, so we searched for a comic about gravity and Newton. After reading several that weren't what we wanted, Nathan said in disgust, "They're mocking Isaac Newton!" Gratefully, we finally found a perfect and 'respectful' one for his board.

Nathan got 2nd place for 2nd grade. Everyone who participated received a gold ribbon metal.

Last summer, Sam got a book from the library on how to make rubber band cars out of cardboard. He wanted to make one and test it out on different surfaces. So, he got to learn a bit about friction and have some fun along the way.

Sam and his cardboard rubber band car.


Sam and Jake enjoyed going to computer class together this year. Sam loves school and was sad to see it end and even demanded "20 more days of computer class" from me one morning! Ms. Marj is such a fun teacher and made their "graduation" memorable. They love their new set of books they received at the end of the class.

Sam also got to go on Jake's last preschool field trip. The International Peace Gardens was fun on a beautiful spring day. The boys enjoyed this 'Stonehedge' to climb. Though fairly downtown, I think the gardens is one of the best kept secrets around, aside from Wheeler Farm!


Lena has taken dance at the same studio as her Aunt Kayla for the last 5 years with a Spring recital together at the end of each year. Kayla is graduating from high school this year and it was fun to remember the "family function" recitals each May.

This year, Lena, her cousin Avy and their Aunt Kayla were all in the same recital together!

Three of those five years have been with her friend Megan, who's moving next month! We're going to miss her and her family!


rachel said...

You guys had to do THREE science fair projects?!!! Oh my! I think we only do one in fifth grade or something.

Raspberry said...

WOW on the projects. That's amazing. They all look like they were a lot of fun.