Thursday, April 16, 2009

More baby pics

We were so excited to come home yesterday morning, even in the snow!

All bundled up cute.

Daddy of 5 at little Adam's pizza party at the hospital Tuesday night.

Home at last with our cutie.

Thanks for the cute, yummy bunny, ice cream cake, Michelle!

Congrats! Your first cake, Adam!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A baby of 5's

A few things happened today.

Adam Joseph Lindsay joined our family as the 5th child this morning.

He arrived at 5:25 am while we were in room 205.

He was 19.5 inches and 7.5625 pounds
(or 7 pounds 9 ounces for those of you who don't want to calculate it).

Elaine and Adam are doing well.